jueves, 8 de octubre de 2020

Good boy, good girl, good job!!

No queremos que sepas, no queremos que investigues. Solo come, ve netflix y trabaja para nosotros en un trabajo inútil que hace siglos puede ser hecho por máquinas, pero tienes que hacerlo tú. No queremos que descubras que eres tu propio dios y que creas tu destino en esta y las demás vidas, No queremos que sepas cosas simples como, sanarte, trasladarte y alimentarte sin depender de nosotros. No salgas del circo, sigue siendo un mono tecleando. Mátate ahora en las elecciones, odia a tu familia por un candidato. Nunca sepas que los dos representan lo mismo, una cara puesta para tu entretenimiento por una familia mayor que rige la humanidad mongoloide matándose por circo político. Sigue tecleando, no mires atrás, tu vas a ser lo mismo que los que te precedieron. No medites, No escapes, No seas independiente. Se un mono depilado, desángrate por tu partido. Trabaja, teclea, ara. Todo eso pueden hacerlo robots y tu iluminarte y disfrutar del universo creado para tí, pero te es prohibido. Evolucionar es un delito.

We don't want you to know, we don't want you to investigate. Just eat, watch Netflix and work for us in a useless job that centuries ago could be done by machines, but you have to do it.
We do not want you to discover that you are your own god and that you create your destiny in this and other lives. We do not want you to know simple things like, heal yourself, fly and feed yourself without depending on us.
Don't leave the circus, it's still a bunch of monkeys typing in shining computers. Kill yourself now in the elections, hate your family for a candidate. Never know that they two represent the same, a face put on for your entertainment by an older family that rules Mongoloid humanity by killing themselves by political circus. Keep typing, don't look back, you will be the same as those who preceded you. Don't meditate, Don't run away, Don't be independent.
Be a shaved monkey, bleed out for your political party. Work, type, plow. All that can be done by robots we know, and you could be enlightening yourself and enjoy the universe created for you, but it is forbidden. Evolving is a crime.

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